The Third Deadly Sin

Luke 10:41-42 — And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

If I’m not careful, I’m going to upset somebody with these “deadly sins”, but these pieces are giving me a chance to get some things off my chest! Just like most of you reading, I care passionately about the body of Christ and I get really upset at the idea that people “doing church” like children playing at tea parties might damage that body!
Today I want to talk about the church on autopilot. These are churches that have a model — a process — for what they do. The process goes like this: First, identify the “hot problem” of the day. Second, design a “program” to attack the problem. Third, run the program. Fourth, declare success!

Does this mean I think programs are, by their nature, a bad thing? Certainly not! When I think of the great achievements of programs like “Celebrate Recovery” and “Divorce care” I’m full of admiration. Those programs are a great ingredient in the recipe for a living church. My point is that I see churches where the programs have become the point. Works have displaced faith as the justification for their existence.

I understand the temptation.  Programs can be measured. Heads can be counted. There seems to be some way of knowing whether programs are “working”. But in the end those things may not be very important.

It’s not that Jesus doesn’t love these “Martha” churches. But their busyness risks diverting attention form the “one thing” that is really needful. 

Jesus really loved Martha. You can hear that love in the way He repeats her name … “Martha, Martha …”. But He didn’t need her to be scurrying around “doing things” to show her love for Him. The busyness was getting her closer. Mary chose the essential “one thing”, sitting at the Master’s feet, listening and learning.

John Gill, in his “Exposition Of The Bible” says that the one needful thing is “the hearing of the word, the Gospel of Christ, which Mary was engaged in; and which, ordinarily speaking, is necessary to the knowledge of Christ, and salvation by Him, and to faith in Him“. If all the programs in a church don’t lead people to the gospel than they are a barrier, and not a entryway. Participants might as well be hamsters running in a rat race going nowhere!

Look at every program you’re involved in.  If any one isn’t doing the “one needful thing” get rid of it! Your life will be more productive.


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