We were recently encouraged, at our church, to support another band of youngsters going on mission, to one of our tougher inner cities. Now we love these kids. We like to support them …but when they come back we’d really like to know what happened. How did you get on? How were you blessed? All too often, there is no feedback. So if you go on mission, feedback. If you take a group, make sure they feedback.
I place a big part of the responsibility, in fact, on the adult leaders. It might not be obvious to the kids. When Myra and I were trying to raise ministry support, we were told that failing to report back was one of the biggest reasons for declining support for established missionaries. The early church was better at it (don’t believe me? The Book of Acts is one long series of mission reports!). So why should “Report Back” be a key step in any mission’s project plan?
- Simple gratitude. Supporters deserve to be thanked. Paul gives a wonderful example, in Philippians 4:10-16.
- Encourage future supporters – 2 Corinthians 81-8
- Be a model for others
- Show how God is working
- In your life
- In the life of those you touch.
When I was little, when I received a gift, my mother tried to make sure I sent a “thank you” note. Trust me, this little courtesy goes a long way in building relationships, and those relationships will go a long way in building the Kingdom!