Good Government

Zechariah 8:16 — These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates:

So the elections are over. Some of us are just glad that they’re over! Others are happy about the results. As for me … I’m praying.
What am I praying for you ask? Exactly what I was praying for before the elections! I’m praying for our country and our government. You see, I see a great opportunity — but I also fear that some fundamental things may not have changed.
The opportunity arises because there has been a shift in the balance of power. Such shifts always create opportunity for change and it would be wonderful if this latest change led to a new spirit of cooperation among our leaders.
One fear is that those who govern in Washington, in state governments, and even in local administrations, will dig their heels in and refuse to move from rigidly adopted positions. The signs are already unpromising. Another fear is that the many groups in America who feel disenfranchised, not represented by any politicians will continue down a path of disobedience to the government. How are we to react?
The Baptist Faith and Message lays out very clearly what our position should be:

Every Christian should seek to bring industry, government, and society as a whole under the sway of the principles of righteousness, truth, and brotherly love. In order to promote these ends Christians should be ready to work with all men of good will in any good cause, always being careful to act in the spirit of love without compromising their loyalty to Christ and His truth.

“Christians should be ready to work with all men of good will in any good cause”. What a wonderfully positive statement! How refreshingly different is that from the prevailing atmosphere of antagonism and abusive campaigning that we have been drenched in during the elections and everything leading up to them.
As I read those words, and the rest of the passage, I was struck again by the need for repentance. I have tried to stay out of the politics, and the arguments — but I haven’t always been successful. Some of my comments have not been kind. I can’t say that I have been as careful as I should to act, or at least speak, in a spirit of love. Part of my prayer will be to do better with that.
How about you? Will you join me in prayer for our country and our leaders? I don’t know your politics, and mine are irrelevant — but can we agree that we should all seek to bring industry, government, and society as a whole under the sway of the principles of righteousness, truth, and brotherly love?
Let us all work together for good government.


Good Government — 1 Comment

  1. Hi Guys,
    How true and thought provoking your words are today, Dear Friends. We need these attitudes more than ever these days. Don

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